Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Spy Camera Sales Tips: The Biggest Pitfalls And How To Avoid Them

The discoveries in camera technology and manufacturing methodologies have resulted in not only smaller spy camera devices but more reasonably priced cameras. More and more homes, offices, commercial and business users are exploiting the most recent in spy cameras and security devices to guard their homes and business conglomerates.

This also cleared the path for profitable business ventures for online resellers. You can get one or two spy camera items at very low wholesale costs and rake up a fortune selling these goods at eBay or on your own websites. However , there are specific issues and concerns in the spy camera and security industries that will cause serious issues for online resellers like you that if not addressed properly, would be akin to having a bomb exploding straight in front of your face.

Spy Camera limitations and hazards to Resellers

Resellers of cheap wireless spy cameras and similar devices have frequently faced reception issues with their products. But that's not the largest problem resellers face at the moment as incompatibility and other spy camera restrictions could have more effect on you as a reseller as these Problems can have an effect on the usefulness of these device with your customers.

* Difference in Formats

There are essentially 2 video system formats generally used around the globe. Foremost is the PAL or Phase Alternating Line video system that is employed in a larger part of the planet, especially Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania. A PAL|video output is broadcast at twenty-five frames per second, with each frame made from 625 scan lines.

In North and South America, the format used at length is NTSC or the video system used by the national television System Committee. An NTSC signal is transmitted at thirty frames per second but each frame is only made from 525 individual lines.

There is obviously a difference in how each format is generated, making them mismatched to use with each other. A video recorded with an NTSC camera can only be played and viewed on a video system having the same format. Using different systems will only result in blank or seriously distorted video outputs.

* Camera Resolution

There are many video resolution formats available but in the world where video quality is the name of the game, the higher formats are far more superior. The term hi-def or HD doesn't imply the same from one vendor to another, as one vendor may have a 720p resolution ( or 720 horizontal lines ) while other brands have 1080i ( or 1080 horizontal lines ).

The higher the resolution is, the better the picture standard will be and the smaller the image is prone to flicker. Although a 720p video feed will still play in a 1080i device but with a lower resolution, the reverse isn't right and compatibility issues with ensue.

* Other restrictions

There are other spy camera limitations that reseller should know about that may cause incompatibility issues with your clients resulting in extremely damaging negative feedback. Some spy cameras have night vision capacities while others have not, so selling a shopper with night necessities a spy camera that only runs during the day you will be in for some significant issues.

On top of that, you should additionally be aware about the legalities and the ruling rules about spy cameras that are prescribed in the country, region or area where your purchasers will be using these devices or finish up with a couple of returns and beefs from unsatisfied clients.

How to Boost Your Sales and Reputation

The simplest way to bump up your Sales and Reputation

As a reseller of spy cameras, whether you're marketing these products on the web or on a physical store, you should be very aware of these issues and constraints and let your clients know these incompatibilities and restrictions also. Giving them all of the details upfront and letting them understand which spy camera can be compatible with their existing set-up and systems can prevent any returns or business-damaging negative feedbacks from happening.

You have to ensure that each of these frail merchandises you're selling is handled and shipped with care, and is backed by guaranties on returns and damages. Aside from that, giving your customers insurance and guaranties from potential issues can give them the guarantee they are working with a reseller that gives only quality spy camera products and looks after his purchasers.

On top of that, list all product benefits, disclaimers and other significant info on your website or product pages which can be simply accessed by your clients. Doing so will not only return a contented customer but a well satisfied purchaser that will make positive recommendations to others also.

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