Easy approval credit cards are aimed at individuals who have a below-average score or have mis-managed their money in the past, and as a result have accumulated blemishes on their report. These cards have a less stringent approval process, and allow these people to still have the majority of benefits that a card can bring.
The actual approval requirements can vary from issuer to issuer, but the provider will typically look at factors such as how long an individual has been in their job, how money much they earn and how long they have lived at their current address. In most cases a 'point-scoring system' is used, and the total amount of points required is lower than for a standard credit card.
Easy approval cards offer the user largely the same facilities as standard, unsecured cards, including the ability to make transactions in stores, purchase goods and services over the Internet, pay their bills using their card number and withdraw cash from an ATM.
The flip side of this is that these facilities come at a higher cost. Many of these charge an annual fee, a monthly fee or a one-time set-up fee, with some charging a combination of these, or even all three. The annual interest rate (APR) is also often higher with these types, and limits are usually lower.
A further way in which an easy approval card can benefit the cardholder is that the provider will usually report to one, two or all three of the major bureaus. This means that if you use the card as you should, pay your monthly bill on time (ideally in full) and stay within your designated limit, you will eventually see an improvement in your score.
If the uses of a card will make your everyday life easier, and you have had previous money management problems or been turned down for a standard Visa or MasterCard, then this may be the card for you - but only if you have changed your ways, and will able to use it sensibly and in a way that will rebuild your credit worthiness.
However, if you do not have a regular source of income, or are uncertain as to whether you should be trusted with credit, it is not recommended that you apply for a card of this type. By missing payments and going over your limit you will accumulate charges and further damage your score, possibly beyond repair. Consider a secured card instead.
If you believe that you have an above-average rating, and have not been refused for credit in the recent past, you should consider applying for a standard, unsecured card before you take this option. You may be able to find cards that carry more attractive interest rates and lower fees than easy approval cards.
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