Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Early Signs of Pregnancy - Tips on Overcoming Changes in Your Body

Once you realise you're pregnant there is a long road ahead.
You have to stay as healthy as possible, take all those prenatal vitamins, and deal with countless changes to your body.
The easiest way to do this is by feeling more comfortable throughout the day.
There is no stopping all the changes you're about to endure, so you might as well figure out how to deal with them.
Nausea: This is usually the first thing women think about when they see signs of pregnancy.
Some women don't experience it at all, but if you're one of the unlucky ones you can try to soothe your stomach.
One way to do this is by simply rubbing it throughout the day, even if you don't have a bump yet.
Medical researchers won't claim that this is effective (there is no guarantee), but it's definitely worth trying.
Also make sure you continue to drink plenty of water.
If you're upset stomach turns into vomiting then you can become dehydrated.
This will soon lead to fatigue and other issues along the way.
One thing to understand is that this won't last long, but while it's going on you should be prepared.
Lack of Sleep: Another issue that will be common early on is not getting enough sleep.
Due to the changes of your body it can be difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position.
Since this is our recovery time you need to get plenty of rest for you and the baby.
Taking a bath before bed might help, but we recommend simply drinking peppermint tea.
There has always been something soothing about peppermint, and for most people this will make them more relaxed.
Just make sure you drink it about an hour before bed and by the time you're ready those eyes of yours will feel heavy.
Constant Headaches: There are a lot of pregnant women who have early signs of pregnancy problems with headaches.
This is due to all the hormones in your body constantly fluctuating.
If you're considering taking some sort of headache medicine it will be important to speak with your pregnancy doctor.
They will be able to tell you whether or not it's okay or give you the necessary course of action.
Also, if you take the time to lie down for a nap it can be just as helpful.
Then again; we understand you might be enduring yours at work, school, or your other child's extracurricular activities.
In this case drink some water and if a place to lie down is available you should take advantage of it.
Keep in mind; if you continue to have headaches throughout your pregnancy there could be a bigger issue at hand.
Consult your doctor and see what you need to do next.
In the end, if you take the time to assess each symptom you can come up with a plausible solution.
Early signs of pregnancy can be menacing, but with the proper approach they can definitely be easy to handle.

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