- 1). Slide a weight onto the end of the main fishing line. Choose a sliding egg weight or a plastic slide with clip for attaching a pyramid or bank weight. Select a weight based on conditions and depth. Use, for example, a weight of between 6 and 8 ounces when fishing water of 60 to 80 feet or deeper.
- 2). Place a plastic bead on the line, then tie a heavy-duty barrel swivel onto the line with a Uni knot. Use the plastic bead to help protect the knot from damage by the heavy sliding weight.
- 3). Cut a 12- to 18-inch length of monofilament line from a filler spool. Choose a line for a leader with a pound test that is at least double that of the main line. Attach the leader to the swivel with a Uni knot.
- 4). Tie a size 4/0, or larger, bait holder hook onto the end of the leader with a Palomar knot.
- 5). Place strips of cut squid on the hook. Use whole bait squid when fishing for larger sea bass at deeper depths with heavier weights.
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