Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Pregnancy - Symptoms You Get to Deal With

Pregnancy is a lovely time for most women.
It's wonderful, exciting and all around a time that you feel just about every emotion in the book.
However, along with all the emotional changes your body will experience many changes that may cause some physical symptoms.
Gas- Don't be shy about it, just about everyone does it and while your pregnant you'll be doing it more.
For me it seemed that no matter what I ate about 20 minutes later I could make a room inhabitable for about 30 minutes.
Nothing and I mean nothing would stop it.
I was lucky enough to work with all females so they understood and we would normally go outside after lunch.
If you find you are having this issue I suggest you try to get to the bathroom if you can, that way you won't be doing it in a room you have to work or stay in long.
Forgetfulness- No one knows for sure why this happens but there are theories that say blood flow is diverted from our brain to the uterus which causes the problem.
No matter what exactly causes it, the majority of woman who are pregnant experience it.
The best thing to do is find a place to put your keys and purse somewhere right when you enter the room.
You can also start keeping a calendar to remember important dates.
Then just wait until the baby comes and all should go back to normal, well as normal as can be with a newborn.
Heartburn- Because of the growing uterus putting more and more pressure on everything, including your stomach, you are going to be experiencing heartburn.
Some ladies, especially those with longer torso don't experience much but a lot of women do.
There are a lot of things that will help like eating small meal, snacking on crackers and avoiding spicy foods.

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