Have you recently come out of a relationship that you didn't want to end? If you want a realistic chance to get your ex back, you have to say and do certain things.
And you have to avoid saying and doing certain other things.
If you get this wrong, like most people do, you won't stand a chance at a happy reconciliation.
Before I address that, let me tell you something you probably don't know right now: Your relationship didn't end for the reason(s) you think it did.
It doesn't matter why you two broke it off - cheating/lying/lack of love from one partner/bad communication, etc - that's just what is on the surface, it's not the real reason why you broke up.
WHAT?! That's right.
Virtually no relationships end for the reasons we think they do.
You see, all the apparent reasons (cheating, etc) are just the symptoms of why it didn't work.
The real reason always simmers below the surface, and until it can be addressed and brought into the open, your relationship does not stand a chance.
This alone is the reason why hardly anyone who breaks up are able to reunite permanently.
However, armed with this information, you literally hold the power to permanently reunite with your soulmate.
That is, as long as you know what to do with it.
Want an example of what to do with it? I've got a really big one for you.
Make this fatal mistake (which most people do), and you can forget about getting your ex back again.
Here you go: For unknown reasons, it's most natural for human beings to focus on the problem when trying to fix a situation.
For instance, you lied about something, and he/she breaks up with you.
Then you exert huge effort trying to explain what happened, perhaps justifying it.
Or maybe you fess up (still focusing on the problem), and ask for forgiveness.
In either case, it won't work.
This is why: A relationship cannot be reconciled without PASSION.
Shift your focus from the problem and onto the connection and passion in your relationship and you massively increase your odds.
If there is sufficient passion in a relationship, even large issues will literally fix themselves.
However, with no passion present (which is often the case after a breakup), even the tiniest problem will seem like a mountain.
Of course, there are going to be problems that will need to be addressed.
The big difference is in how you approach it.
Try to fix things and you two don't stand a chance.
A 5 minute emotionally charged/passionate conversation will go much, much further towards reuniting you two than a 3 hour marathon conversation about why things happened.
When you combine usingresponsibility and passion when you communicate with your ex, you give yourself a remarkable advantage.
If there is ANY love for you left in his/her heart, you will get to them.
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