If you use birth control pills, antibiotics, or other hormone-controlling drugs, these are almost certainly the cause of your Candida infection.
Unless you stop taking these drugs, these candida natural cures may not work on you.
You will have to make the choice between risking regular candida infections and forgoing the pills.
Also, people with compromised immune system often suffer from regular yeast infections, and managing their yeast infections is a difficult and inexact science.
However, if none of these risk factors apply to you - and you aren't douching on a regular basis, which rids the body of natural organisms that control candida - you shouldn't be getting yeast infections.
Candida outbreaks are a symptom that something is out of balance within your body, whether it is a lack of exercise, an improper diet, or another sickness.
You owe it to yourself to figure out what your body is trying to tell you.
To immediately begin to treat the most bothersome symptoms of a yeast infection, here are some of my favorite candida natural cures.
- Eat at least three cartons of natural, unsweetened yogurt daily, which re-introduces healthy bacteria back into your body.
- If you have a severe yeast infection, a clove of garlic inserted overnight for several nights can control all but the worst candida infections.
- To cure a severe yeast infection even quicker, a bath of diluted apple cider vinegar can help, too.