Approximately 10 to 20 percent of couples suffer some form of infertility.
Both men and woman can become infertile.
In about one third of all cases infertility is due to the females factors.
In another one third it is due to the males factors.
In the remaining one third it is a mixture of both female and male factors or by unknown factors.
Here are some reasons why males may be infertile.
Problems producing sperm-not producing at all or producing very few.
Problems with the sperm reaching the egg-abnormal sperm structure or shape that prohibits it from moving correctly.
Problems from birth that affect their sperm.
Alcohol 5.
Drugs 6.
Environmental toxins (pesticides, lead, etc.
) 7.
Tobacco smoking 8.
Medication 9.
Age Here are some reasons females may be infertile.
Problems with ovulation count (most common cause)-A good indicator this may be the problem is irregular or absent menstrual cycles.
Problems with the uterus.
Problems with Fallopian tube blockage.
Stress 5.
Poor diet 6.
Overweight or underweight 7.
Tobacco smoking 8.
Alcohol 9.
STD's (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) More women are waiting to have children until they are in their thirties and forties.
Age can increase infertility problems.
The ovaries ability to produce eggs that are ready for fertilization decreases with age.
The health of the eggs declines with age.
Health problems that interfere with fertility increase with age.
The chances of having a miscarriage increase with a woman's age.
The length of time a woman should try to get pregnant before talking to a doctor depends on some different factors.
Woman under the age of thirty should try to get pregnant for twelve months before talking to a doctor about a fertility evaluation.
Men should also go talk to a doctor if this much time has passed.
After a woman turns thirty her chances of becoming pregnant decreases rapidly for every year she waits.
There for woman of this age should only try for about six months before speaking to a doctor a fertility evaluation.
Women who have the following issues should talk to their doctor as soon as possible.
More than one miscarriage 2.
Lack of menstrual periods or irregular menstrual periods 3.
Endometriosis 4.
Pelvic inflammatory disease 5.
Very painful menstrual periods Talking to your doctor before trying to get pregnant can be very beneficial.
The doctor can give you tips on how to care for your body and make a healthy haven for your little one.