How well endowed are you? Are you satisfied with your penis size? A better question may be, is your woman satisfied with your size? If the answer to any of these questions is no, then I have some great news.
You can get a bigger penis with exercises! Imagine, no worthless pills, no dangerous weights and no stupid pumps and stretching devices.
Just a series of simple, easy to do exercises that you can perform in as little as 10 minutes a day.
Would you devote 10 minutes a day to get a longer and thicker penis? I think you will agree that it would be a great idea.
Here are two good exercise to get your penis growth off and running.
The first, known as the jelq, has been around for ages and ages.
To properly do this you need to massage yourself to about a 50% erection.
No more! With lubricated hands, make an okay sign, palm down, and grasp your penis firmly at the base.
With a deliberate milking action, firmly run your hand up to the glans, or tip, of your penis and firmly squeeze while you position your other hand at the base and repeat.
Do 25 to 30 reps with each hand.
This exercise is great for adding both length and width.
An exercise for adding tremendous girth is done this way.
Get a full erection, and simply hang a towel from your penis.
Do not use your hands for this one, just your penis.
Gently raise the towel with your erection and hold it there for about 5 to 10 seconds.
Slowly lower and repeat about 25 times.
Your penis will begin to feel heavier and begin to gain thickness within a few short weeks.
Do these exercises daily as part of a full routine.
Even though you can get a bigger penis with exercises, it will not happen overnight.
To achieve the permanent growth of up to 4 inches you want may take six months or longer.
Before you decide that is too much time, consider this.
If you were to take up weight lifting or body building, seeing massive gains within a six month period would be fantastic.
It would make those hours of training each day seem well worth the effort.
With penis exercises you will spend only a few minutes each day to see terrific gains in that six month period.
That should put things in perspective for you.
Now, how and where do you buy a good penis exercise plan? Most men prefer to purchase their plans online.
It is more private, with no delivery by a sneering mailman.
You can simply download the program immediately and begin exercising.
It really is that easy to start a program to help you get a longer and thicker penis through natural exercises.
Forget all those useless and expensive pills.
Never hang heavy weights from your penis, and do not consider strapping your male member into a stretching device.
You can get a bigger penis with exercises, and they are safe and proven effective.
After a few months of following a good plan, your woman will not be complaining about your penile size, and that is for sure!
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