Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Acid Reflux Natural Treatment- How to Cure Acid Reflux With These Secrets!

Are medical doctors keeping an acid reflux natural treatment out of the public's hands?

Have you realized that millions of people search the term, "how to cure acid reflux" each month? Millions of GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) sufferers are tired of buying antacids every other day for their acid reflux treatment. Though, doctors can't seem to tell you anything but don't eat spicy or acidic foods and take a pepcid. Is this fishy?

Are doctors hiding something about this disease that hurts over 15 million Americans a year?

Well, our company's natural health doctor states, "Here is how to cure acid reflux with these secrets!"

How to Cure Acid Reflux

To break down what is happening when you have acid reflux, you must realize what the esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter (LES) do for your body. Here is a quick GERD 101 overview.

Your Esophagus- This is the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach. It gets the food to the stomach! However, GERD or Acid Reflux occurs when stomach acid leaks into the esophagus. The stomach acid will cause the pain described as 'heartburn'. Overtime, which could be months or years, the esophagus will begin to breakdown and heartburn will only get worse. The good news is that the esophagus can repair itself naturally with time if NO stomach acid reaches it!

The LES- The LES or the Lower Esophageal Sphincter is a muscle flap separating the esophagus and stomach. After the food goes down the esophagus it meets the LES which allows it to go into the stomach.

While properly working, the LES maintains a higher pressure than that of the stomach so that food and stomach acid (also called digestive juices) cannot wash back into the esophagus. If the LES is weak or damaged, it can allow potent stomach acid into the esophagus which causes the infamous heartburn.

Now the Good News - If you allow the LES and esophagus to fully heal and strengthen the LES, you will have a 100% cured acid reflux problem.

Acid Reflux Treatment Secrets

So why are they called secrets? Did you know that light bulb companies could make light bulbs that last forever and save billions of dollars and help the environment? Why don't they? Because it is bad business sense to have a one-time customer!

How does this relate to your reflux problem?

Unfortunately, money makes the world turn and antacid and some prescription companies need customers to stay in business. Therefore, most acid reflux sufferers spend their whole lives unaware that they can naturally cure acid reflux by healing and strengthening their esophagus and LES.

This is NOT too good to be true! Here are 3 secrets to treat acid reflux naturally.

1. Heal Your LES and Esophagus- Your body is miraculous and can almost heal every tissue in the body, including your LES and esophagus. You can do this by eating soft foods for 2-3 days to begin your natural treatment. By not scratching and helping digestion (by eating soft foods), you can give your LES and esophagus a chance to heal and strengthen.

2. Stop Taking Prescription Drugs- Many sufferers take drugs like Prilosec, Prevacid or Nexium. While this might remedy the GERD symptoms for 4-8 weeks, long-term use can cause the body to make a hormone called gastrin. Extra gastrin in your stomach tells the body to make more stomach acid.

The bad news is that there are gastrin receptors on the esophageal, pancreatic, and gastric cancer cells, and over-production of this hormone can cause cancer. By taking these meds more than 6 weeks you greatly increase your risk of getting cancer in esophagus, pancreas and stomach.

3. Know the Basics- There are rules you must follow until you cure your acid reflux disease and here a few! First off, you should avoid spicy and acidic foods for the time being (until your digestive tract is fully healed). Secondly, you avoid smoking and coffee consumption for the time being. Finally, you should use natural home remedies to expediate the healing process of the LES and esophagus.

For instance, my dad shares how a piece of fruit naturally cured his acid reflux on our Acid Reflux Natural Treatment Website.

Say Good-Bye to Acid Reflux

Over ten thousand satisfied customers have naturally treated acid reflux and no longer need the antacids or medication. You can say good-bye to your antacids, medications and acid reflux today with a researched-based, medical doctor-approved and 100% guaranteed Acid Reflux Remedy Report that gives you numerous researched natural remedies. To be GERD-free in 24 hours, please visit our Acid Reflux Natural Treatment Website.

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