Health & Medical Men's Health

Enlarge Your Penis Naturally - 6 Tips to Ensure Sensational Results From Penis Enlargement Exercises

Penis enlargement exercises can help you to add length, girth and strength to your manhood.
However, in order to achieve the best results there are certain things you can do.
In this article i would like to introduce you to numerous methods that will ensure you get great results from exercising to enlarge your penis naturally.
1) You are what you eat - In order for penis enlargement exercises to work to their full potential, your diet will play a large part.
As the penis is made up of 50% smooth muscle, it requires additional protein to grow.
Ensure that you have a daily intake of healthy protein enriched foods, e.
salmon, tuna, mackerel, skinless chicken, turkey, eggs, etc.
Also ensure that you drink plenty of water, eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
2) Do you need a change in lifestyle? - Too much alcohol, nicotine, late nights and a lack of sleep will all hinder your progress when exercising to enlarge your penis naturally.
All of these things will effect blood circulation which is paramount when using penis enlargement exercises.
3) Do you need all that hair? - I would suggest that you shave of most, if not all, of your pubic hair.
Funnily enough, this will immediately make your penis appear bigger as it is no longer hidden under a forest of hair.
Additionally, you will never know pain until you yanked pubic hairs out when performing penis enlargement exercises! 4) Set a time and make a commitment - i have heard of so many guys who give up on penis enlargement exercises because they can't find the time.
Really? How badly do you want this? If you wish to enlarge your penis naturally through exercise then find the time.
You will not have to exercise for longer than 15-20 minutes a day in your first month and then it will become a habit anyway! I find it's best to perform my exercises in the bathroom first thing in the morning.
Find the best time of day for you when you have complete privacy and know you won't be disturbed and then stick to it! 5) Always warm up - Most guys are so desperate to get a bigger penis, that they jump straight into exercising without warming up first.
Much the same as if you decide to go on a 10 mile jog, if you choose not to warm up first, you risk injury! Simply massage your manhood with a wet and warm towel prior to exercise.
This will enhance your blood circulation, making the exercises far more effective and you lower the risk of injury! 6) Don't judge everything by eye - It is important that you measure yourself regularly when using penis enlargement exercises.
You should measure the length from above and below the penis and also the girth from just below the head.
Don't measure too often as a lack of results can kill your motivation.
Once every 2 weeks is fine!

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