- 1). Scrape as much of the crayon mark off the cellular shades as possible with a plastic scraper or credit card.
- 2). Mix 1 tsp. liquid dish detergent into a bowl of water. Dip one end of a clean cloth into the soapy mixture and dab at the crayon stain. As you dab, the crayon lifts from the cellular shade. Keep dabbing at the stain until the crayon no longer lifts from the shade.
- 3). Spray a stain remover onto any leftover crayon marks, and place the shades in a sink filled with warm water and 2 tbsp. mild detergent. With a dishrag, rub on the crayon stain removing it from the shade.
- 4). Drain the sink, and rinse the shade with cool water. Gently squeeze out excess water from the shade. Lay the cellular shade on a table where it can dry completely before rehanging.
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