Video Transcript
This video is about learning how to play the didgeridoo and I'd like to share a few secrets with you. We've already talked about basic breathing and how to get basic sounds into the didgeridoo. Now we'll discuss articulation. That's moving the tongue inside of the mouth to get the didgeridoo to make specific sounds. We'll start out with a basic "Ta" over and over again as if to sing Do, Re, Me, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do. But actually not saying that because it won't sound to good through this thing. Try it with me without the didgeridoo. (demo) You want to practice that for a while until your lips get really strong. If you do that for a while you're going to feel a little bit sore if you've never played the didgeridoo before. But, it's worth it, trust me. Let's try that with the didgeridoo. (demo) Notice, the didgeridoo sticks on one note, you can't really play scales with the didgeridoo. You're kind of stuck with what you've got. But, they do make different lengths of didgeridoo. Let's try that again.