When remodeling your home, in particular, your kitchen, carefully choose the right sink you want to install.
My wife and I installed a Pegasus kitchen sink with a garbage disposal just last year.
I really didn't have much experience at the time, so I simply went online for the typical installation process.
Once you have your kitchen counter prepared for installing a new sink, firstly, make sure that the hole accurately matches the size of your new sink you're installing.
Also, you should be aware of the depth of your sink, especially if you have a garbage disposal; you may find that you want to sacrifice buying a smaller depth sink.
Ideally, you will want to cut (preferably with a razor blade) a 45 depth sink to compensate for space underneath.
Secondly, make sure to caulk around the sink hole when you place your new sink in its position.
Once the sink is in place, it's a good idea to set some weight in your sink so the caulking settles nice and securely.
Now, let the sink sit for 2 hours or more, and then begin the caulking.
To be on the cautious side, it's probably a good idea to cut just a little off the tip of the caulking gun, and then adjust from there so you do not overdo your caulking.
Be careful and wipe as you apply the caulking so you are left with a nice, smooth finish, not a sloppy mess.
The same concept applies to shower doors, bathroom sinks, and the like.
Take this advice and you will admire your new upgrades!