There are valuable lessons that we are taught in the process of dating, which I like to affectionately call the "love games, the art of playing chess".
For those of you who are not familiar with how to play chess, the ultimate goal of the game is to use any one of your pieces, which I like to metaphorically call "love lessons", to outwit your opponent, which in an uncanny sense will allow you to call "check-mate"! Let's talk about attraction for a moment.
The feeling of attraction in essence is a interesting emotion and may seemingly be recognized in a variety of forms.
For example, the initial appeal for someone may most likely derive from the simplest form of instant attraction by just seeing that person cross your path.
There are also other compounding elements, which may tend to take a little bit longer to develop a deeper connection, such as spiritual and intellectual connection.
Unfortunately, when you meet someone, there is a 50% chance of whether or not that feeling of interest will be reciprocated.
However, if the person does not feel the same way, it will most likely become evident to you right away.
Have you ever noticed that the more aggressively you pursue an individual, who does not feel the same way, the more that person will continue to avoid your advances? On the other hand, when you begin to ignore the person or become preoccupied, they seem to become a little more interested.
Well let me explain why that is, simply stated, people want what they can't have!
- The negative lesson...
The negative lesson that many people may initially learn, is that sadly sometimes an extremely strong connection between you and another person does not necessarily mean that your feelings will be returned.
Remember the old saying: if you let it go and it comes back, then it is yours.
If the truth be told, if you show a lack of interest in any potential love mate, they will always come back; it's just human nature! Unfortunately, it doesn't mean that's the one.
It just means that now it is your turn to determine whether this person is truly worthy of your attention and ultimate love.
Sadly, it takes some people a long time to learn this lesson and those who master the skill are able to weed out the good ones from the bad ones. - The positive lesson...
The positive lesson learned is the gift of awareness.
You begin to recognize the external attributes as well as the internal qualities which you ideally want in a mate.
This lesson is essential in identifying the bigger perspective, which is finding a well rounded mate.
Ultimately, there may be several wonderful people that will cross your path and may appear to be good candidates for a long lasting relationship.
He or she may be instantly connected to you; however, even if love does not show itself at first, don't give up. - The ultimate lesson...
In the long run, there is no precise rhyme or reason why a relationship will or will not work between two people.
However with a great deal of nurturing, you will be able create a solid foundation of friendship, trust and love for the beginning of a wonderful romance.