Health & Medical Men's Health

Jelqing - The Hidden Technique to Get a Thicker and Bigger Penis Using Only Your Hands!

Are you serious about adding a couple of inches to both your penis girth and length? There is no need to undergo surgery or use strange looking penis devices that claim to be able to give you a bigger penis.
I am sure you must have heard of different brands of herbal penis enhancement pills that all claim to be able to increase the length and thickness of your penis.
The truth is that these pills would not give you a bigger penis permanently when used alone.
To be able to increase the thickness and length of your penis permanently, you must engage in natural penile enlargement exercise.
The most popular set of natural penile enlargement exercises that can give you a thicker and bigger penis is the Jelqing exercises.
Jelqing exercises have been around for quite a while.
They were used by ancient Arabic men to increase the size of their penis before they got married.
It does not matter the origin of these natural penile enlargement exercises, performing these exercises is a very effective way to increase your penis thickness and length.
While performing the Jelqing exercises, you force more blood than your penile tissue can contain into them.
The motion of doing this is similar to the way cows are milked by hand.
Doing Jelqing exercises regularly causes your penile cells to expand in size and as a result they would be able to hold more blood.
Since your penile cells now have the capacity to hold more blood, you would see a bigger penis in both the flaccid and erect state.
To be able to see noticeable results, you have to ensure that you exercise regularly just like you would if you wanted to develop muscles.
You would see noticeable increase in the length and thickness of your penis after a few weeks of exercising.
After about 3 - 5 months of dedicated exercising you can expect as much as 2 inches in penile length and 1 inch in penile girth.
Before you begin any natural penile enlargement exercise session, you must warm up your penis to avoid injuries.
To do this, soak a face towel in warm water and then wrap it around your penis for 5 - 10 minutes.
Anytime the face towel no longer feels warm, soak again in warm water and wrap around your penis again.
Apply some baby oil, Vaseline or any lubrication of your choice on your penis and stroke till you achieve a semi erection.
Grip the base of your penis with your thumb and index finger forming an 'OK' sign Next move your hand towards the tip of your penis.
This motion should resemble the way cows are milked by hand.
When you get to the tip, change hands and repeat the same movement with your other hand.
Keep changing hands.
Each movement should take you about 2 - 3 seconds.
If you are just beginning, you should do about 100 repetitions of the Jelqing exercise 5 times a week.

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