- 1). Measure the horizontal span of each wall and mark the middle at the floor. Run your chalk snapline from each mark to the one opposite (across the room), so you have two intersecting lines cutting the floor into four sections.
- 2). Set your square at the intersection to see if the two lines are exactly perpendicular to one another. (In older homes, they may not be.) Adjust the chalk snaplines as necessary to make them exactly perpendicular, according to the square. Re-snap the lines as needed.
- 3). Lay your tiles (without adhesive) alongside the whole span of both lines, starting at the middle intersection. Put tile spacers between them as you lay them. Lay as many full tiles as will fit in all directions.
- 4). Measure the space that's left between the final tiles on each line and the wall. (The spaces should be the same at either end of a line of tiles.) If the space between a tile and the wall is less than two inches, then move the whole line toward the wall, so there's no space at one end of the line and a wider space at the other end.
- 5). Re-snap your lines as needed based on your adjusted layout. Proceed to tile the floor according to the new measurements, laying the tiles from the center and working outward.
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