Photo of crystal appears on the screen: a space shuttle flight, the blue sphere moving part of our land, framed by the shuttle bay doors open and the form of an astronaut tethered spacewalk.
Close your eyes and your heart beat faster fascinating to see this picture of the achievements of man: the surprising results of the combination of tireless inventiveness of man in the relentless pursuit of its objectives, driven by his Attention Deficit Disorder Symptoms.
The following image: a scene of battle in Iraq, the body moving stained red framed by the ruins of someone's house and how the armies, the victorious soldier.
Close our eyes and our hearts beat faster viewing of this fascinating picture of exploitation of man: the amazing results of combining relentless inventiveness of man, and the relentless pursuit of its objectives, driven by his endless search.
The Human Condition "is actually a multiple of" particular circumstances "dynamically active in the world where economic development with a relatively slow growth in non-conventional energy resources are the precursors of the collision of social self-service search fossil fuels, while the plague and famine genocide undeveloped.
Century, the complexity of global economic interdependence, mobility and communication challenges present us with a distinctive issues of right and wrong during the explosion of human contact, which led to friction cover the earth, and goes through all the cultural differences between companies in the world collide.
Ideals of social perfection of man are illusions of the mind says little imperfect and partial "are not acceptable as inherently legitimate under these conditions, extended and volatile. Perspective expansion twentieth century social realist cover the realities of the XXI. A global community "
When we, as individuals correspond to the growth and change in the external world and internal growth and change, "human condition" is developing with STRIDE.
Constructive meeting point between different cultures, the differences can be found within the "human condition" that go beyond cultural differences: the essential human being. It 'also here that the beginning and end of human conflict to take root.
Our make-up base that people have "core" man was the same in all of humanity throughout history and it is not difficult to find and understand: I found it sitting on a hillside sunny Santa Clara Valley was one.
It was once home to the Ohlone tribe and I was sitting quietly under a shade tree, I began to imagine the lives of people thousands of years on the bottom of the valley below. In my mind I saw these people who have seen and experienced so differently from us, left their home dome and began their daily tasks: stop to chat with others out in groups at work, noisy children running, everything seemed familiar.
I felt strangely at home.
I started asking questions: What was life like what problems do they face every day what happened in their relationship and what were their hopes and dreams, dislikes and fears?
What was their pain and happiness?
Intuitively, I realized that if he looked and spoke like them and had their cultural nuances that might go down the hill and the right to join, and my aspirations, my questions and my dreams in life was always the same balance of composition, as they have for me today in this culture.
We face the same choices distilled and immutable in our actions today that mankind has always had: the differences and choose between good and evil.
We have the same emotional experience, our degree of slip between love and hate, and have the same reactions and responses between the good and bad, happy or unhappy, content and discontent. Success or not, to laugh and cry and people will continue to stand after falling from a multi-year changes in the appearances are different.
The "human condition" a thousand years ago was essentially the same as today. The basic needs of mankind, the basic aspirations and hopes of life that transcend time and culture.
This is no doubt there will be all in life that create the basic human needs of the conflicts that continue to this day, and are always making the same mistakes for the same reason: "us" versus "them".
The expansion of social economic boundaries beyond the geographical boundaries as part of social self-interest is the same today as it ever was.