- 1). Play through the mission A Bug Problem until you encounter the Widowmaker --- a very large spider with a distinctive bluish purple coloring and bright green spots.
- 2). Shoot the Widowmaker in the face to briefly daze the creature. While it's dazed, flank it while shooting at its exposed abdomen, which is its weak point. The creature will begin attacking you again after you shoot it a few times in its abdomen.
- 3). Shoot the Widowmaker in the face again to stun it and expose its abdomen. Any shot that hits it in the abdomen will cause it damage. Avoid the Widowmaker's attacks, which are a thrown long distance white ball, a close range stomp attack, another stomp attack that is accompanied by a corrosive burst of energy and a burrowing attack that ends with the Widowmaker rising back up out of the ground. Continue attacking the Widowmaker in its weak spot until it dies.
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