We obviously can't have a conversation with our dogs so there are many things we don't understand.
What we do know is that dogs bark for a specific reason and the most common reason is their need to communicate.
Here are some of a dogs different communication barks and how you can identify them.
Boredom Bark: Most dogs have a very hard time being alone for a long time, so when they bark, it relieves their boredom.
The tone of this "loneliness" bark has very little change in its frequency.
Happy Bark: Happy barking has a very high pitch to it and sounds joyful.
Your dog is telling you that they are very excited.
You can also tell they are happy because that tail is wagging, they're usually panting, their rear end is up in the air and the front elbows are down.
As a pet owner you know how adorable this looks.
Warning Bark: Your dog's warning bark is meant to be gruff so you'll find that they actually sound mean.
This lower tone comes with raised hackles and a posture that says, "I Dare You".
They have a stiff twitching tail, their ears are pointing forward and they're leaning in the forward position.
Potty Time Bark: When your dog needs to go out, they circle, sniff the floor, whine and pace.
Sometimes they sit by the door or pace back and forth until they finally bark.
It's very short and sharp.
Trust me they will repeat it until you get the message.
Dinner Time Bark: This bark is a lot like the potty bark; it's sharp so it alerts you.
They will be running around with a lot of energy and will probably add a little whining and jumping.
Correcting Your Dogs Barking Problem When You Are At HOME The Shake-Can: This is an amazing training tool.
Take an empty soup can, put two or three pennies in it and then seal the end of the can with some heavy tape.
(the heavier the can, the louder the noise) As soon as your dog starts to bark, shake the can several times.
This usually shocks them into stopping their bark.
When they stop barking make sure to give them a treat and praise them.
It won't take long for them to understand that you are praising them for NOT barking.
Spray them with water: When they start to bark inside the house, use a water pistol and spray them in the face.
If you're outside you can use the hose (or you can carry the water pistol with you) until they break this habit.
There's no need to SOAK them down, just break their attention.
As soon as they stop barking, praise them! Teach them the "Quiet" Command: Teach your dog to understand the word "Quiet".
You can use this command in conjunction with the "Shake-Can or the Water Pistol".
When they start to bark, break their attention immediately and firmly tell them "Quiet".
As soon as they stop barking, give them a treat.
They will eventually learn that quiet means goodies! NEVER reward your dog for barking.
Correcting Your Dogs Barking Problem When You Are AWAY Your dog is probably barking because he/she are tired of being left alone.
Before you leave the house, walk them for at least 45 minutes to an hour.
This will tire them out so they'll sleep a lot of the time you're gone and therefore, not get into "barking" trouble.
You would be surprised at how good exercise and companionship can take care of at least 95% of your dogs barking problems.
Turn on the radio and put some comforting music on.
(nothing loud or heavy metal type) Make them as comfortable as possible in their surroundings.
Leave them plenty of water and make it possible for them to go into their crate if you have one.
This makes them feel safe and relaxed.
Try to visit them on your lunch hour or if that's impossible maybe you could invest in a dog sitter, doggie day-care, or have a family member or trusted friend come over for a while and play with them.
Keep lots of chews and toys out for them to play with so they have plenty to do.
It's a good idea to change these toys around occasionally for some variety.
As soon as you come home from work, make sure you spend time with your dog.
Play with them, do some training and hang out together.
This is when they are most content because of their unconditional love for you.