Eczema causes swelling and itching of the skin and leaves many people wondering how to get rid of eczema. The itching can be so extreme that the person draws blood and then scabs form. Eczema traditional treatment options can be very harsh on the intestines and of course have side effects.
Lifestyle changes like avoiding smoking, taking alcohol, avoiding spicy food that may irritate the mouth & lips is another way of treating this condition and trigger flare ups.
Coconut oil has been used for centuries to treat dryness. When applied to the skin, its tiny molecules are absorbed quickly to provide instant relief. It also has anti-fungal properties to ward off fungal overgrowth that causes irritation.
In a study it was shown that mother who take probiotics during the last four weeks of pregnancy and while nursing has babies with less incidence of eczema. Speaking of bath time, giving your soaps and shampoos a natural overhaul will eliminate another trigger of eczema symptoms, scents, which irritate eczema and cause irritability because of the chemicals contained in them. They also remove the skin's natural moisture. After bath time, make sure and dry off by patting the skin dry instead of rubbing the skin dry. Immediately after your bath, apply a moisturizer to lock in the skin's natural moisture and avoid dry skin which aggravates eczema.
Golden Salve is another herb that works well to soothe the skin and also moisturize rough and chapped skin. Normal soaps and cleaning products have a very harsh effect on skin already made extremely sensitive by eczema. You will have to discard any soap or cleanser that contains artificial perfumes and ingredients. You should not use a loofah as well, no matter how great the temptation to scratch yourself. Soak yourself in a warm oatmeal bath, making sure the water is not too hot. While you can get colloidal oatmeal products in stores, it would be better for you to just tie some oatmeal in a cloth and drop it into the bath.
Drinking water - It is always important to drink a lot of water as it is good for your health and re-hydrates the skin. This could help to solve some of the dryness that is involved with eczema.
Like homeopathy, a consultation with an acupuncturist will be lengthy, so that they can take a holistic approach to treatment. It is a method of natural healing whereby very fine needles are inserted into the skin at particular points of the body. There should be no pain, and many patients report that they cannot feel the needles at all. Acupuncture is said to remove blockages and restore the balance of energy in the body.