Technology Electronics

How to Recycle Mobile Phones

People don't lack the conviction to ask the question 'How to recycle mobile phones', they merely need to stay educated on the process it follows. Recycling is a key factor in environmental safety and security and to have it taken lightly can end up being messy for the whole human race.

The process is pretty simple and straight-forward. A recycling facility waits on a load of consumer drop-offs. These are basically phones discarded by people who feel their instruments are broken, grown old or remind them of a brutal break-up they recently went through. Whatever the case, as long as it lands in a recycle bin, all's well.

The charger gets separated from the actual instruments, though. This is because the charger possesses certain types of wiring and components that need to be handled in a different fashion. The scientists and/or engineers who work in such facilities are not dumb enough to recycle everything that lands on their table. They discern reusable cell phones from the opposite, because when dealing with how to recycle mobile phones it's best to save a lot of people unnecessary work and time-loss.

These reusable pieces are almost always in good shape and are mostly abandoned due to a customer upgrade. After being tested for functionality, their memories are wiped clean and they face re-configuration before returning to the sales shelf. Sounds like something out of a science-fiction book, only phones are involved and not hapless people.

After the earlier process€"called 'Sorting', in technical jargon€"the parts become the focus in how to recycle mobile phones. These valuable additions needn't face recycling proper because they could still be functional or even find use in fulfilling the 'parts criteria' of another phone of the same model or one that's compatible. Such parts include processors, LCD screens or memory components.

This is actually a good thing, because 'refurbished' phones like these can be resold by vendors or given to customers who need warranty-related services. Then again, they even find welcome arms in charity organizations.

After all is said and done, the truly useless phone/parts are transported to smelting centers. You'd be surprised if you didn't know this already, but many phones have precious metals like gold, silver and palladium going into their making.

Again, scientists and/or engineers aren't fool enough to throw the baby out with the bath water and so they use smelting to get these valuable materials out before the recycling stage. Besides, the petroleum-based materials that make up all phones help fuel the smelting process, letting the fuel bill etch a smile on the face of the company head that's probably very happy with how to recycle mobile phones the right way.

The recycling stage is all about breaking down components. A conveyor belt feeds materials into a smelting furnace that turns it all into a lava-like mush. An agitate, something belonging to the acid family, is mixed into the resultant stuff which sees to copper and other base materials grouping together. On cooling, they're removed from the mix.
All these materials then get re-used in the manufacturing arm of a phone company, breathing life into new phones without the need to pillage the planet for more resources and pressure an already weakening ecosystem. And that's the in-depth answer on how to recycle mobile phones.

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