- 1). Learn your state laws pertaining to who can have access to your safe box should you pass away. This will also help you decide which documents you want to place in the safe box and which ones you should leave with an attorney for safe keeping.
- 2). Find a local bank that has a safe depository. Discuss the fees and compare one institution to another to get the best rate. You might qualify for a lower rental fee if you are also a member of the bank.
- 3). Select a box size according to the size of what you'll place inside it. The bigger the box, the more expensive the fees.
- 4). Sign the lease agreement and have anyone who you'd like to have access to the box sign the agreement as well. In this way, the second person is agreeing to lease the space with you.
- 5). Make a checklist of everything you plan to leave in the safe box and place it inside with the contents. This extra measure will help you keep track of your belongings each time you visit. It can also help in the recovery of your items in the event that an accident or natural disaster causes damage to the contents.