Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

Xbox 360 Games Are Breaking The Bank Or How To Save Family Budget Using Game Copy Wizard

Cold December 2005.
We experienced a huge boom around the world; new Xbox 360 console was released.
Gamers and freaks had been queuing for days outside Microsoft and other stores across the world to ensure they got hold of one of the devices.
I bought a brand new Xbox 360 20 GB Pro for my son on Christmas day.
Actually it was the first meet with Xbox 360 but I didn't know that it was "the start of the end".
Everything was Ok, my son played different games, and sometimes I played with him together.
Actually I do not remember exactly how many games I had bought for him in 2005 and 2006 but it was really easy to find somewhere at home such games like: Call of Duty 2, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, The Elder Scrolls IV, Dead or Alive 4, Gears of War.
All in a word he has got the hottest stuff.
Every time we were in pc or console games stores he asked me for new one.
But in my opinion it was plenty enough.
A little bit later Xbox 360 games started to bite the dust.
Some of them got scratched, some of them got somehow damaged and some of them were lost.
I was really stressed and pissed off because I had spent a couple of month's salaries on the games.
I was really tired of spending money on such things.
My son was also stressed due to the fact that nearly all games were unavailable.
He is a fireball and I know that sometimes he is not so neat but these games are really fragile.
Once I had played Fifa 2007 and after 1 or 2 hours of playing, it stopped unexpectedly.
I was really perplexed and surprised when I detected some scratches on it.
It was the very last straw.
I started to seek in Internet how to cope with this awful situation.
Not only I had the following problem, thousands of gamers were looking for some remedy for "dead discs" and were asking how to copy Xbox 360 games.
I had been testing tons of programs for copying cds and dvds for a month.
Unfortunately there were some special protection systems on the disks and I wasn't able to copy them.
I have decided to bite the bullet and continue buying Xbox 360 games.
Once I was "Googling" for some game and I have found a couple of programs called Game Copy Pro and Game Copy Wizard.
Developers of these both programs promised that these magic programs will go through protection.
I decided to buy a Game Copy Pro - this was my mistake, I bet on the wrong horse.
I do not mean that Game Copy Pro can't copy Xbox 360 games I mean Game Copy Wizard is faster and quality of the copied games is much better.
However Game Copy Wizard has some cons too.
Game Copy Wizard is very user friendly but interface could be a little bit better.
I have blown over this breaking the bank situation and have found appropriate solution.
Last year I have saved approximately 1400 bucks using Game Copy Wizard that cost me just 20$.
I hope my experience will be helpful for you.

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