Health & Medical Mental Health

Remove Stress In Your Life To Start Losing Weight

Every effort which is very stringent in applying in the beginning has more negative results than expected. Whenever we try to implement something in our daily routine, it has to be gentle, achievable and more rewarding. Similarly when we try to change our life styles in order to lose weight, it has to be more meaningful and result oriented too. When we shift to weight reducing diets it has to be acceptable to our taste and should not be an act of cruelty on our self.

Weight Gain And Stress

It is a known fact that most people who are stressed are also obese, prolonged stress has negative effect on our body. Normally people who are under stress try to cope with the condition by eating too much or consuming unhealthy junk food or there are also many people who try to overcome stress by consuming alcohol. It might be relaxing but this is a temporary phenomenon.

There are many healthy alternatives available for coping up with the stress, but one should need to understand the basic cause of stress. Once you have understood the root cause, you can then easily find a solution.

Many people are under the impression that there is no solution to their stress and they can do little to reduce the stress in their lives. In fact there is nearly always a solution to all the problems if tackled properly but people would always rather look into the external factors which are responsible for causing the stress. Having a proper thought and finding a solution within oneself is the key start.

Every human being is blessed with creativity; one can use this creativity to find the means and ways to relax. The biggest disadvantage of prolonged stress is that the more we face it; we become less creative and lose our positive attitude. Such an attitude will never allow us to find the viable solution to remove stress from our lives. Working with creativity diverts our attention and simultaneously addresses our stress factors.

The response to the external factors is different with different individuals. We can deal with such factors with our inner responses and reduce the stress. Many steps can calm down our mind, reduce stress and give us relaxation.

Once we are able to do it, we can understand that we do not need to eat or drink too much. The only thing is to learn to be gentler to our mind and body and to adopt a peaceful and positive attitude which will not only give relaxation to our mind, but our body will feel more relaxed as well.

This is quite helpful in changing our dietary habits. Initially one may find it difficult emotionally to change the eating habits, it may lead to more resentment and anger, but gradually once you get adapted, you will feel more relaxed and will enjoy the change. It has to be done slowly and gently till our natural eating habits develop, this can be done without being strict with yourself. Strict regimes are quite painful and can lead to more resentment which can aggravate the stress. The slow and gentle way is the key to the success. 

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