Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Learning About The Acne And Diet Connection

Statistics tell us that almost ninety percent of the population is affected at some time during their life by acne. It is widely recognized as the most prevalent skin disease there is anywhere. Most studies have attributed the onset of acne to either genetic factors, bacteria or hormones. And although there is some disagreement concerning it, many have suggested that a poor diet can be responsible for the onset of acne as well.

This conversation concerning whether or not acne and diet connection are in fact working together has truly been going on for years. Let's take a look at some of the research on this matter.

Ongoing studies have pointed out that consuming sugar and pure carbohydrates will lead directly to an insulin surge in the body. That surge moves on to a swelling factor referred to as IGF-1. This then leads to an excess of androgens and hormones which it is agreed on contribute directly to the formation of acne. Supporters of the acne and diet connection will offer the thought that at this point the skin will emit oil which then attracts the acne causing bacteria. At this point different skin cells referred to by the name keratinocytes will then continue to multiply which continues to promote the formation of acne.

Other studies that have taken place show how diet is only one of several environmental factors causing the acne. They have also determined that by severely limiting the intake of grains in one's diet will be a big asset in helping deal with the acne problem and condition. If one can either go with a no grain diet or at least one in which grains are held to a minimum, they should see positive results in a reasonably short period of time.

The fact of the matter is that the conversation regarding diet and it's effect on causing and worsening the acne condition is more heated and involved than ever before. The people that dismiss the connection will claim that it is the other environmental conditions responsible for the condition and a healthy diet has no connection to it. Those who espouse the connection repeatedly point out the positive results that have been obtained by those that have opted to try a healthy diet as a means of combating the problem.

The truth is that someone instituting a healthy diet certainly has nothing to lose in seeing exactly what is going to happen moving forward. For starters, the healthy diet is going to have many other positive implications on their body and their mind as well. If they find then that it also proves to be of benefit in dealing with the acne condition, this is even better. The bottom line is that it is certainly worth giving a try and one way or another people will be glad they did so.

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