Menopause for women is imminent and for most women it is a transition which takes place over many years between the early forties to early fifties.
An understanding of the body changes during this phase of life can ease the transition, and equally important, better preparation helps safeguard your health during your later years.
Women also have the dreaded menopause to look forward to or should that be an enjoyable transition from a child-bearer to a grandmother carer.
Today, women entering menopause are healthier, feel younger than before, and lead more active lives and careers than previous generations.
Despite the problems menopause that may bring, the years afterward are the most productive and satisfying for many women.
However, apercentage of women have suffered the indignities of hot flushes and mood swing so extreme that they think they are living in a different body and finally, and most distressingly, the frustrations of being told by their trusted family Doctor that it is "normal" and little can be done about it.
There are many different considerations a woman needs to take as she approaches menopause.
Specific treatment for menopausal symptoms will be determined by specialist doctor based on: Your age, overall health, and medical history Current symptoms Your tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies Your opinion or preference Hormone replacement therapy is indeed not the only way to allay the problems of menopause.
Many women have proven the following program to be ideal for helping the body to adjust into post menopausal years.
It is a common sense and has been proven by women who, for one reason or another, choose to do it their way - or Nature's way and not go on to the hormone replacement therapy.
The Understanding of Stages of Menopause Menopause is only one of several stages in the reproductive life of a woman.
The whole menopause transition is divided into four main stages known as: Premature - Premature menopause that happens before the age of 40.
Pre-menopause - refers to the entirety of a woman life from her first to her last regular menstrual period.
It is best defined as a time of "normal" reproductive function in a woman.
Peri menopause - means "around menopause" and is a transitional stage of two to ten years before complete end of the menstrual period and is usually from and around 35 to 50 years of age.
This stage of menopause is characterized by hormone fluctuations, which cause the typical menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes, mood swing and appetite disturb and sleep pattern Menopause - represents the end stage of a natural transition in a woman reproductive life.
Menopause is the point at which estrogen and progesterone production decreases permanently to very low levels.
The ovaries stop producing eggs and a woman is no longer able to get pregnant.
Post-menopause - refers to a woman time of life after menopause has occurred.
It is generally believed that the post-menopausal phase begins when 12 full months have passed since the last menstrual period.
From here a woman will be post-menopausal for the rest of her life.
The secret is balance in all aspect of life.
1 Maintain body weight 2 Regular Exercise and Facial exercises 3 Keep ones occupy doing creative andbusy with constructive thing to do.
4 Adequate sleep 5 Mix around with more people 6 Build up with nutrient and proper dietary.
Some of the supplements or nutrients to help prevent hot flushes if possible like Evening primrose oil, Vitamin E, VitaminB Complex, Vitamin C and Calcium.
Addresses to Menopausal the physical side of the Skin Changes The lower estrogen output at menopause will be reflected in the skin all over thebody- and internally becoming drier.
The most essential needs to the skin at all ages is adequate balance of natural oils and water.
At menopause, the dryness cannot be placated by oil or cream alone.
The humidity of the skin must be in place and then LOCK IT IN with a light, rich cream which gently stimulates your skin into action.
Even drinking adequate water is a good start in helping in hydrating the skin from INSIDE, However other dietary needs must be met and are essential to the skin.
Another lack of estrogen associated with menopause to overcome that is progressive growth of strong facial hair especially on the upper lip, chin and neck.
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