For article content writers, not only new ones, not enough money is made off the articles they sell. That is about to change, by revealing how to increase a writers article content value 500.
Plus, you will be effectively increase your earnings per hour.
The other benefits that will occur with this method will be finding your own buyers that were not advertising. In addition, you will be email contacting people will to buy your articlecontent for a higher price because they can afford to.
They will also do so, because you will show them an article with content that is already producing readers that they can simply purchase. I can tell you from my 40 years of experience, who are the people that will pay most for articles. These are business people who may have heard about article marketing but never used it.
Now, you have to realize some common writers misconceptions are simply caused from a lack of knowledge of alternatives. Often a combination of human and software enhancements can produce a series of articles variations that are not slice and dice spins. Also that this combination of software and human effort could produce new articles on a rewrite, versus where the writer by human nature and time restraint, reuses far too many of the same words as the original. So a human rewrite ends up as almost a twin sister of the first.
Most writers of article content agree that an article should have a four worded keyword phrase as its topic. Let's say that 75% of the keywords were different and the first paragraph of 8 was distinct. Also, the remainder of the text content had three of the keywords replaced, and then 1/5 of the original words also removed. Now that would actually, according to the search engines, be an entirely new article vs. revised. Even though the theme was the same. Would you agree with the search engines opinions?
Then, lets see how many new articles writers can make using the original as a base. The key here is to remember a synonym must be relevant.
For the test we will use the keyword phrase, deluxe chairs provide comfort. Now we give each keyword a seperate line and its interchangeable synonyms behind that keyword as shown.
1a. Deluxe = 1b. Custom, 1c. Fashionable, 1d. Designer, 1e. Stylish, and 1f. Custom-made.
2a Chairs = 2b. Seats, 2c. Armchairs, 2d. Loveseats, and 2e. Rockers.
3a Provide = 3b Supply, 3c. Furnish, 3d. Give, and 3e. Offer
4a Comfort = 4b = Relief, 4c. Pleasure 4d. Relaxation and 4e. Rest
What combos can we come off with, where each one will have only 1 of the original keywords and none of the other? I see Custom seats supply comfort, Fashionable armchairs provide pleasure, Designer chairs give relaxation, Stylish rockers offer rest, Custom-made loveseats give comfort, and Deluxe rockers furnish relaxation. That means writers could make 6 new artitles plus say 3 good revisions each. The total is 24 plus the original starting article, for a grand total of 25 articles with different content
The next part is quick, taking each of the 6 new keyword combinations above, and making 24 titles. So start with the first one and using those four keywords, custom seats supply comfort, write out a nine word title staying with 70 character spaces. Next, using the same instructions make 3 more titles using the same keyword phrase. That completes your first set of four titles. Quickly do the same for the other five sets.
Now under each title, start the first two lines of content. Somewhere in the first 164 character spaces provide the keyword phrase, and not in any order the rest of the words in the title.
You are now one of the top article content writers, well on your way to selling 24 more articles with a similar theme, but each with highly different content. I am sure that if I said the writing and proofing was going to take 8 hours that it would be an exaggeration. Writers than write quality article content must maximize the use of each article.
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