This is one condition that responds extremely well to treatment by natural means combined with a healthy lifestyle.
If you like to drink tea, your diet may be in some trouble...
after all, some types of teas can cause problems with your diabetes management program, this means black tea.
If you still want to enjoy your cup-of-tea and maintain control of your diabetes, then maybe it will pay for you to try the traditional Japanese green tea.
Japanese Study - What Can Green Tea Do For Your Blood Sugar Levels: A recent five-year long Japanese study was conducted to see the effect green tea had on the group of volunteers who drank it.
Clinical evidence proved that those who regularly drank green tea rather than black tea were far less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
Of course, the study did not take into consideration the causative factors.
If you really enjoy green tea, then you will be glad to know that it can lower blood sugar levels.
Keep in mind that type 2 diabetes is often triggered by being overweight or obese and develops over a long period of time; it's onset is slow.
At this time, there is no cure and no one solution to this condition.
There is, however, a combination of treatments that include eating and drinking healthily.
If you like green tea, then you can use it to assist you in the reduction of your insulin and blood sugar levels...
along with your weight.
Now, there are two options you can take.
The first option is to simply ignore what's occurring in your body and deal with the consequences, the complications, as a result of taking this option.
The second is to accept it entirely and realize you are not healthy like you were at one time.
Whilst it can take a little time to really accept you have type 2 diabetes...
the sooner you take action and realize you have been eating too much food, and too many meals containing the wrong foods, the sooner you will see results.
Your choices should include:
- Being proactive in dealing with type 2 diabetes
- Realizing there are no shortcuts; no miracles at the gym or in any eating plan.
Only a constant weight loss program can bring in the results you're looking for...
this will also lead to lower blood sugar levels - Eating foods that are healthy...
processed foods, high-fat, low-fiber foods with refined sugars, as well as being expensive are partly responsible for the fat laid down in your abdominal area - Living a healthier lifestyle (which lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes).
The key components of a healthy lifestyle are to not smoke or drink excessive amount of alcohol; get enough sleep each night; and engage in regular physical activity and relaxation exercises
- Will help improve your quality of life; give you more energy
- Are effective in reducing your blood sugar levels
- Lower the occurrence of insulin resistance
- Fight to prevent many other diseases and helps you to calm down and feel less stress
However, green tea didn't influence their sugar levels in the beginning.
By learning all you can about type 2 diabetes and the foods, (and even green tea), that will help you to lose weight and lower blood sugar levels, it is possible to reverse type 2 diabetes.