Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

When Are Most Baby Boys Conceived? When Are You Most Likely To Get Pregnant With A Boy?

I often hear from people who are trying to pinpoint when to best conceive baby boys. The other day, someone asked me "when are boys conceived?" Taken alone, this is a pretty broad statement which is extremely difficult to answer. But, taken in context of the entire conversation, I knew what this person was actually asking me. She was trying to determine if there is a time period during a woman's cycle when it's more likely that you would conceive a boy. I'll address this topic in the following article.

Boys Can Be Conceived At Any Time During Your Fertility Cycle: Admittedly, I believe that there is a time period where it's more likely for a boy to be conceived, but that's not to say that boys aren't conceived at any time or day when a woman is fertile and can become pregnant. Ultimately, a boy is conceived when a Y sperm chromosome (instead of an X) fertilizes the egg and results in a pregnancy. This can happen at any time because a man's sperm contains both X and Y chromosomes. Sometimes, which sperm chromosome wins out (and which gender you ultimately conceive) is a matter of luck. And sometimes, it' can be a matter of timing, distance and PH, which leads me to my next point.

The Time Period When A Boy Is More Likely To Be Conceived: Remember before when I mentioned the Y sperm chromosomes that produce boys? Well these Y's do not live or survive as long as the X's which produce girls. That's why I believe that you have a better chance of producing a boy if you have sex and conceive after ovulation takes place. The reason for this is that timing after the fact does not require the Y sperm to wait (and possibly then deteriorate and die off) for the egg.

As mentioned before, that's not to say that boys aren't conceived before ovulation. They certainly are. It's just that the chances are better, in my view and research, after ovulation. There really are three things that influence your baby's sex: timing, PH, and distance and positioning.

The Three Variables To Worry About When You Want A Boy Baby: I've discussed timing above. You don't have to guess at your timing. You can use an ovulation predictor to tell you when you've ovulated. Another thing to consider is PH. Acidity discourages the vulnerable Y sperm. So, if you are trying for a boy, you'll want to be alkaline instead. There are tools for this also such as PH test strips. You can tweak your PH with your diet and with carefully douching with appropriate ingredients.

The third variable in this equation is the distance that the sperm has to travel. Since it doesn't live for very long, a lengthy trip that takes longer isn't the best situation for it. That's why deeper penetration when you have sex is recommended, because it gives those Y's a shorter distance to cover.

I believe that these three things work together to give you the best chance for a boy. Sure, a boy can be conceived at any time during fertility, but waiting until after ovulation gives you the best chance, as does introducing the other two variables that I mentioned above.

I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender. You'll find: resources for douche recipes and food PH lists; step by step instructions; resources for determining ovulation times (and examples of good PH and ovulation predictors;)information on when to conceive; and support.

If you want a boy baby, check out
If you want a girl baby, check out

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