Stag and Doe parties are a great way for couples on a budget to indulge and have the wedding they've always wanted for a fraction of the cost.
However, planning a Stag and Doe the wrong way can actually cost you more than what you'd expected and make matters worse.
But there's a right and wrong way to plan a Stag and Doe party.
Let me show you the right way to do it.
First of all, for those who are not familiar with the concept of a Stag and Doe party, they are events usually organized by the bride and groom instead of an engagement party to raise funds for wedding fees, honeymoon costs and things of that matter.
The focus here is on the word FUND RAISING.
So even if your Stag and Doe is the party of the year, you fail if it doesn't turn in a good profit...
So what should you do to make your event profitable? Well first, you have to pick a venue.
It's pretty easy to find a good venue if you reserve in advance.
If you want to cut the cost, you can always split the hall rental fees with your buddies, I'm sure they'll be more than glad to help.
Now, it's time to sell tickets.
But before you sell tickets, you got to have them printed.
Professional looking Stag party tickets can be found for cheap if you take the time to shop around.
People will not buy tickets that look sloppy, period.
I suggest you don't sell tickets to complete strangers; you want to keep some kind of control over the type of crowd you want.
In addition to your Stag party tickets, you'll need to find yourself a good Dj.
If you have a friend that does that, great! But if you really want your guests to have fun, try to find a somewhat well known Dj in your area.
Shop around and see who offers the best deal and make sure you have them sign a contract, or else you might be sorry...
Planning a successful party the right way takes a lot of time and effort, but it is extremely rewarding when you achieve your goal.
A lot of details come into the organization of such an event, but what I gave you earlier are the cornerstones of a good Stag and Doe party.
So have fun, and I hope that your Stag and Doe will help you get the wedding you've always dreamed about