Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

The Truth About Milk Thistle Side Effects

Let me tell you a quick story.
No milk thistle side effects have yet to be reported in clinical studies.
Something negative could come up in the future, but it is not likely to.
The seeds of the plant have been used for hundreds, if not thousands of years as liver tonics.
A 2000 review published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality concluded that the effectiveness of the plant extract for protecting the cells of the liver or treating liver diseases had not been "clearly established".
In 2005, the Cochrane research group reported that more good quality clinical trials were needed.
For doctors treating patients with hepatitis C or other diseases that do not respond well to drugs, waiting for more trials is not an option.
Their patients could be dead from liver failure by the time the studies were completed.
The active components of the seeds have been identified.
Silymarin is the major component.
It contains a number of different metabolites, including Silibinin.
In laboratory, animal studies and a number of small clinical trials, silymarin or Silibinin has been shown to have anti-viral, anti-oxidant and liver-protective activity.
Good results have been seen in the treatment of gallbladder disease, cirrhosis and jaundice, as well as hepatitis.
So, there are no negative milk thistle side effects, but there may be positive ones.
For example, the health and appearance of the skin may improve.
The antioxidant activity of other plants has been investigated for the ability to protect the skin from oxidative damage caused by exposure to sunlight.
Although silymarin has yet to be used in these studies, other antioxidants have proven beneficial.
Antioxidants may not be the proverbial fountain of youth, but it does seem that keeping the body's antioxidant status high is a good choice, if you want to live a long healthy life.
If you experience any negative milk thistle side effects, you should look at the quality of the supplement you have been taking.
It could contain the roots, stems or flowers of the plant or the entire plant ground up.
The plants are cultivated in several parts of Europe, specifically for use in the supplement industry.
But, not all supplements contain the European variety.
Regulations concerning the use of toxic pesticides and herbicides have been in place in Europe for quite some time.
Regulations in the US have yet to catch up.
So, if you experience negative milk thistle side effects, it could be because of pesticide or herbicide residue.
The things that you should notice are higher energy levels and better looking skin.
Your doctor would need to evaluate other health benefits.
If you are suffering from a liver disease, it is important to discuss the supplements that you take with your doctor.
Because of the beneficial effect on the liver, the extract can inhibit the activity of certain drugs.
Now you know.
Most drugs are metabolized by the liver and are recognized as toxins.
Since, the positive milk thistle side effects are to protect against toxins, they interfere with drug metabolism.
So, be cautious and be well.
You can learn more insights by visiting my web site and discovering more natural ingredients I personally use daily.

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