Health & Medical Mental Health

What Is Given for Depression in Kids?

    Extended Sadness

    • Depression lasts longer than feeling sad. It stays around and can change how your child behaves. If you notice extended sadness in a child write down possible causes and symptoms to discuss with your doctor.

    Physical Check Up

    • You should first take your child to see their physician to rule out any health problems that can cause depression. Issues like thyroid problems can cause depression.


    • Take time to talk to your child and listen to their answers. They can talk to counselors at school as well. The depression could be over a death in the family, divorce, a move or other large life event.

    Professional Help

    • Because some depression is caused by chemicals in the brain, your child can see a psychiatrist or psychologist. Treatment might include counseling and medicine. Often it's helpful to have family counseling sessions.


    • There are many different depression medications. With children, therapy is usually tried first. Paroxetine, also called Paxil, is commonly prescribed for children. Another is fluoxetine commercially known as Prozac.

    Saint John's Wart

    • This herb is used by adults to treat "the blues," or mild depression. You should discuss any natural remedy with your doctor because they can interact with drugs, and have side effects.

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