Are you about to get a pregnancy supplement but worried about what is safe for you and your baby? You can be reassured that pregnancy formulas are within the daily recommended doses but if you are currently taking other vitamins, then you should be aware that you can take too much of some of them.
Vitamin A This is the one that you should avoid in large quantities.
It is toxic in doses greater than 10,000 IU.
You can get natural vitamin A from beta carotene so when choosing a supplement make sure you find one with high doses of beta carotene.
You should be getting a lot of beta carotene anyway, and it is not known to be toxic to you or your baby.
Fish Oil You need to get good fats in your diet when you are pregnant.
Fats help with brain development, especially in the last trimester, when the baby's brain is developing.
But fish oil also has a lot of vitamin A and D.
Studies have yet to show that fish oil supplements are safe to take when pregnant.
You can get fish oils by eating fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines.
Vitamin E The recommended daily allowance is 15 mg.
You can take slightly more than this, without having to worry.
But scientists have found that excessive intake during pregnancy can lead to birth defects.
It is best to stick to a well balanced diet and get your vitamin E from seeds and nuts, olives, leafy green vegetables like spinach or asparagus, and wheat germ.
When in doubt, ask your doctor for advice.
They know your body and your health condition.
A nutritionist would actually be the best option since they specialize in this area.
If you don't have access to either then try to find a good prenatal multivitamin and mineral supplement.
You shouldn't need to take any additional supplements.
Also remember to continue taking your tablets after you have had your baby.
A lot of women stop because they think it's not necessary.
Your body needs that extra nutrition because it is physically and emotionally drained from the birth process.
If you are breast feeding it is even more important to continue taking supplements because the baby is getting all it's nutrition from you.
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