Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

Basic Steps to Restoring a Car

They say that time has its effect on everything and this holds true for everything including your car.
As with other things cars to tend to rust and lose their shine with time and in case you wish to get back the original luster of your car then it is imperative that you get it restored at the earliest.
Restoring a car often call for patience and requires a great deal of knowledge to begin.
We have listed here some basic approaches of restoring a car to its previous state.
1)You must have all the necessary tools in advance to start the car restoration.
In case you miss something or do not have a fair idea then you can always seek professional help for the purpose.
2)Car restoration needs ample amount of space almost double of your garage.
Normally one can keep one half for the dismantled pieces and the rest for the car itself.
Keep engine, chassis, car door, and other big part in the dry area of the garage and the place should be oil free.
One important point here is that number the parts in the sequence you pull them out, as this eases the job of assembling the unit as one.
If possible, draw a flowchart of the disassembling process and reverse it when you join the parts.
Otherwise integration of the parts can surely be a hassle.
Do remember that disassembling is easier than assembling.
3)Always use the original parts for your vehicle.
Although they cost a bit higher but in longer run, their efficiency is self-proven.
Cheap and fake parts die away sooner.
In case you experience difficulty in getting the original parts you can search the dealer through internet, or directory services.
Your friends could also help you in achieving this.
Be in touch with other car owners who have the same model as that of your car.
4)Put greater emphasis on the place where rust is more.
Rub it thoroughly and apply the good quality primer.
Always use good quality paint for the surface of your car.
It is better to use an air sprayer than a traditional brush sprayer.
5)Tailor new seat covers for your seats.
If you want to retain the old ones then wash them regularly.
Apply polish to the dash board, steering, and other plastic and metal accessories in the interior of the car.
Read car magazines to brush up your knowledge about latest available accessories to add a zing to your car.
6)Clean the engine couple of times over and wipe out all the dirt and oil stained slush.
Clear the exhaust pipe nozzles.
Brake gripper, tire strength, gear wire and gauge must be cleaned and replaced if need be.
After you have completed the restoration job successfully your car will surely adorn a new glitter as it was at one point of time.
Last but not the least one must never be afraid to do experiments that might prove beneficial for the long life of your car.

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