Are you familiar with the concept of resonance? Simply stated resonance means like energies attract.
One of the coolest ways to demonstrate resonance is to use two guitars. Pluck a string on one of the guitars. Now lightly touch the same string on the second guitar. It will be vibrating because it has the same frequency as the string you plucked.
Your thoughts are energy. And just like the plucked guitar string caused similar energy to start vibrating so too will your thoughts. What you think has a corresponding frequency. The frequency of your thoughts matches up with the frequencies quantum waves which become similar objects and circumstances.
So how do you get your thoughts to resonate with a particular object or circumstance? Simple. Just think about it and then attach positive emotion to what you are thinking about.
If you want to attract money, think about money. If you want to attract good health think about good health. If you want to attract happiness think about happiness.
Obviously we can't always be aware of all of our thoughts. So how do we know if we are attracting good or bad things into our life. Let your emotions be your guide. If you are feeling good be assured good things are on the way. If you are feeling bad this is a signal that something needs to be corrected.
We can't feel both a positive and negative emotion at the same time. If you are feeling more negative emotions think of something in which you can't help but feel good about. You can change your emotional state. At times it may seem hard. And actually the best thing to do is not fight the negative emotion. You will find the more you try to fight it the stronger it will become.
The next time you find yourself experiencing a negative emotion try this...
Don't fight it. Accept it. Experience the emotion. Observe it and let it run its course. Depending on the severity of the emotion it may become very intense at times but keep observing. Pay attention to the thoughts running through your head. Pay attention to everything that you are feeling.
Don't try and fight the emotion. Just surrender to it. Let it take you over.
This may seem extreme. So counter intuitive to what we are taught.
But guess what is going to happen?
As you continue to just be an observer to the emotion you will eventually notice the emotion diminishing. Once that happens don't stop. It may seem easier to fight the emotion now since it is not as strong, to just forget it and go on. But don't. Keep observing the emotion. Again don't fight. Just keep staying in a "surrender mode." Eventually you will notice the emotion will stop, just disappear. It has run its course.
It may come back later. But it won't be as strong. When it comes back again just accept the emotion, surrender and observe. The emotion will become easier and easier to control.
For more information on controlling your thoughts go to the Paradigm Shift Class
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