If your computer has slowed to a crawl recently, then there is a problem inside the registry.
Do you get weird messages like "load needed DLLs for kernel?" This is another reflection of a corrupt registry.
The best way to repair a corrupt registry is to use a registry cleaner.
You can try registry repair on your own, but it is easy to make a mistake and delete a file that is important to the overall functionality of your computer.
Your computer could actually die if you delete the wrong file.
Good registry repair software will do the following: o Backup and Restore Your Registry Automatically: This protects you against accidental problems o Scan For Problems: A good registry cleaner will find and repair empty registry keys, pathways that are invalid, references that are orphaned, files that are corrupt, and software that is uninstalled.
It is also good at restoring missing DLL files o Delete Program Shortcuts: These cause your start up menu to take too long to load.
This feature on registry cleaners will stop this o Get Rid of Shell Extensions and Class Keys That Are Invalid: These also drastically slow down your PC o Automatic Scheduling: Effective registry repair software will allow you to scan your PC anytime you want to, and this can be done ahead of time so that you never have to think about it.
You can even keep working on your PC while it occurs o Allows for Either Automatic or Manual Repair: If you know a lot about computers, you might want to see what files the registry cleaner is going to delete before it actually happens.
A good piece of registry repair software will allow you to do this o Is Customizable: You want your registry cleaner to suit your needs, and a good registry repair software product will do this o Updates You on the Progress of the Scan
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