Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How to Rekindle Marriage Without a Marital Therapist With Kindness

One of the most important ingredients in a good marriage is kindness.
When a couple is just newly married, they are so kind and thoughtful with each other.
But as time goes by, the kindness gets old too and problems creep up that erode the marriage.
If you are looking to rekindle that spark in your marriage, then you need to work on kindness.
Kindness means you need to look for the good in all those small and ordinary dealings you have with your spouse.
Instead of wasting your time dwelling on problems and things about your spouse that irritate you, dwell on the good qualities your spouse has.
It means looking at the pluses more than the minuses.
Kindness means trying to be active in building positive experiences.
Yes, there may be problems but then who doesn't have problems? Yes, there may be challenges, but you can overcome them.
You need to keep building.
Kindness also includes acknowledging and accepting kindness that you receive from your partner.
Once you start noticing and expressing your gratitude for the kindnesses your spouse has shown you, you strengthen your marriage.
You also make your spouse feel valued, needed and wanted.
Valuing kindness will attract more kindness.
Also, once you start valuing the kindnesses shown to you by your spouse, your spouse will also begin to reciprocate and value the kindnesses you show.
Kindness also means being ready to help each other.
In any marriage, one spouse may be better at something than the other.
For example, it may be that in your marriage, your spouse finds it harder to make decisions than you do.
It may be that when your spouse is having a tough time deciding on something you tend to get impatient.
The best thing to do in such a situation is to be patient and help your spouse come to his or her own decision.
When we are involved in a long-term relationship, it's not easy to keep it alive.
The constant pressure from our jobs, kids, finances and the like adds up to the stress of a long-lasting marriage.
This is why taking steps to rekindle your love is so important.
It is not possible to be kind all the time, however when you try to bring more kindnesses in your relationship with your spouse, you help rekindle that spark that made the marriage happen in the first place.

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