To become a business mentor is perhaps one of the most challenging and rewarding things which you are required to do with your time. Providing help to those people who are just taking plunge in the business and giving them your useful advice from your past experiences, developing a friendship and then becoming a confidante are some advantages which you can get from becoming a mentor.
Despite this notion, mentoring is inappropriate for all and sundry since certain criteria needs to be fulfilled for some people in order to get the most out of the experience while for others is to take advantage of your past experiences. Probably the most important quality and aspect required to become a successful business mentor is having the capability to listen to what others have to say and pay respect to what they are confessing.
You should be capable of having sympathy with the person when needed and be capable of relating to the problems and how they are feeling about them. Your practical advice and ideas is very important but you should bear in mind that you are there to give advice and that too with honesty. When you have listened and given good advice, then it is time for you to take a back seat and let the other take responsibility for their decisions and actions.
Remember that mentoring is highly rewarding with no any doubt and it can be so if you are the best friend for the owner of small business, who is just taking the initiation. Here, you will get the opportunity to give advice and grow with the company and person and mark the difference, which you are making both to the person and business.
A business mentor should remember that his or her role is to be there for the person in order to give advice, stimulate, support and help the business to flourish while proffering the person some challenges. The perfect business mentor is that person, who has started a small business successfully and had good success with it.
The important skills for becoming a business mentor are having empathy, availability and ability for others and intention to assist others in becoming successful.
So this was all about how to become a quality business mentor. If you are interested to become a business mentor, then you need to masters all those skills which are required. All such skills have been explained above. Make yourself familiar with those skills and become a successful business mentor.
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