Home & Garden Gardening

Understanding Composters and Composting

Composting is a natural occurring process in the world and plays a pivotal part in the circle of life and the environment.
Composting is derived from the word 'decomposition' or to decompose, which is the process that involves the decay and recycling of bio or living material into nutrient rich and useful soil.
Indeed any natural organic waste will eventually return nutrients back to the earth it came from.
Many gardeners traditionally bought bag after bag of manure and soil conditioners as a quick fix for their soil needs.
In the last decade particularly home composting itself has found a relative amount of popularity and seems to be on the increase for keen environmentally conscious gardeners.
Indeed composting will not only save you money but also recycle a lot of waste many of us would just generally throw away.
About 35% of all waste is from food and the garden, most of which can be recycle and decomposed.
Garden trimmings such as grass and kitchen rubbish such as egg shells and potato skins can all go into any composter to decompose and provide nutrient rich soil, which will often produce healthier plant life.
Home composting is ideal for any home owner who has a garden and any biodegradable waste material such as garden and grass clippings, fallen leaves and food waste.
Some quick tips for home composting are: 1.
Locate your composter at least 3 feet away from buildings or fences.
Try to locate the composter near a water source, which is needed as and when the decomposed pile is built up within the composter.
Composting dynamics should ideally be 60% decomposed fallen leaves and 40% food waste and grass cuttings roughly.
Mix or turn your compost periodically and when you can, which will reduce the odour and break up any compacted material as well as allowing oxygen into the compost pile.

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