- When you MacBook Pro shuts down unexpectedly, it typically is the result of one of two causes. The first is that the hardware components, including the processor and memory, are becoming overheated. Sudden shutdown is a safeguard put in place to ensure minimal damage upon overheating. This could mean you're running too many programs or your fan is working improperly. The second reason for a sudden shutdown is likely a loss of battery power, either from a drained battery or an unplugged adapter cord.
- If your MacBook Pro shuts down suddenly and without warning, wait a few moments before attempting to restart. If your computer has overheated, it needs a little time to cool down before starting up again. Check the plug during that time and ensure you have sufficient battery power. In most cases, your computer will start up after a few minutes. If it won't start, wait another 10 to 20 minutes and try again. If it still doesn't, you'll need to have it serviced.
- Your MacBook Pro comes with a one-year warranty that protects you from both software and hardware malfunctions. While it won't protect against issues such as water damage or user error, overheating components or malfunctioning hardware is protected up to a year after you purchase your MacBook. If your laptop won't start at all, contact Apple customer service to find out whether you're still protected by warranty. If you are, repair or a replacement will be arranged. If not, you can still have your MacBook Pro repaired or obtain a refurbished model to replace your old one for a fee.
- Occasionally Apple develops firmware and software updates for your MacBook Pro. Ensure that you always update your computer when updates become available. In some cases, updates help improve your computer's performance to avoid overheating in the future. By staying up-to-date, your MacBook Pro functions better and you'll eliminate some of the bugs and glitches that can cause unexpected shutdowns.
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