Society & Culture & Entertainment Hobbies & Science

Benefits of Geothermal Power Plants

    • The word geothermal is of Greek origin: geo (earth) and therme (heat). This energy comes from the Earth's core. The temperature of the core is more than 9,000 degrees Fahrenheit and this heat moves outward by means of conduction through the surrounding rock, known as the mantle. Mantle rock melts with increasing temperatures and pressures and becomes magma. Magma slowly rises toward the earth's crust, creating geothermal reservoirs of hot water.

    Cleaner Energy

    • Because geothermal power plants do not burn fuel, they release few emissions. They emit only trace amounts of nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide or particulate matter. Some of the damage attributed to nitrogen oxide is acid rain, global warming, deterioration of water quality, less visibility and smog formation. Sometimes hydrogen sulfide, which is naturally present in the geothermal reservoirs, is emitted, but is removed through abatement equipment. No fuel processing or transportation is required resulting in less impact on the environment.

    Renewable and Abundant

    • A major benefit of geothermal energy is that it is a plentiful, renewable resource. It will not diminish like fossil fuel reserves. The United States is the world's largest producer of geothermal energy, generating an average of 15 billion kilowatt hours of power annually. Geothermal energy is not influenced by changing weather and is available at all times.

    Lower Costs

    • Even with the high capital investment needed for exploration, drilling and plant installation, geothermal power plant costs are offset by low cost of operation and maintenance because of the renewable nature of geothermal energy. Cost benefits accelerate when compared with the continually increasing costs of fossil fuels. Oil-burning power plants will burn about 25 million barrels of oil per year, while coal-fired power plants burn 6 million short tons of coal per year.

    Health Benefits

    • Respiratory ailments such as breathing difficulty, coughing and chest pain are health effects that can be experienced when exposed to nitrogen oxides in the air. Geothermal plants emit little or no nitrogen oxide. The amount of particulate matter released from geothermal power plants is little to none, making it a safer choice compared with fuel-burning power plants that release hundreds of short tons of pollutants per year.


    • One of the greatest benefits in using geothermal heat to power a plant is that it doesn't pollute the environment. Geothermal power plants do not require the large areas of land needed by fuel burning plants. Geothermal plants are quieter than fuel burning power plants. Fuel-burning power plants use 361 gallons of water per megawatt hour, as compared with geothermal power plants that use only 5 gallons per megawatt hour.

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