If you ask professional golfers what is the best tip that they can share, they would most likely share something that has to do with the mental side of golf.
They always say that golf is only 20 percent physical and 80 percent mental.
Most of the times, the problem is not with your swing but with your mental game.
You can spend hours every day practicing your swing but if you are not in the proper state of mind during the game, you will not improve your game and you will not have the chance to win in any tournament that you participate it.
The secret is to discipline your mind so that during the game, you can focus on the things that you have to do and forget destructive thoughts.
How can you improve you game? Brush off all the negative thoughts in your mind during the game.
When you're in a game or tournament, try to watch your thoughts while you are about to hit the ball.
Are there negative thoughts on your mind? You might be thinking that there is not way you can nail the hole.
You might be thinking that you need to catch up because your score is too low.
These negative thoughts are destructive to your game.
You need to train your mind to focus while you are playing.
Focus on your grip, on your posture, on your knees, and on your swing and on the ball.
These are the only things should occupy your mind during your shot and not any other waste thoughts.
The most important thing to do to keep your mind in the proper state is to eliminate all negative thoughts.
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