By the time you finish reading this, you'll know how to select the only drinking water containers that are safe for you and your family.
It's worth your time to know how to get this right.
Your long term health depends on it.
Have you heard about drinking water containers that are free of BPA? They're far more healthy for us than any other plastic water container.
If it's not BPA free, you may be exposing yourself to chemical toxins.
These toxic chemicals that can come off your container and into your drinking water can lead to cancer.
So, what exactly is BPA? Well, it's a chemical that is found in many common plastics.
Lots of containers have plastics that contain Bisphenol- A also known as BPA.
Any drink you have in one of these bottles will soak up these chemicals from the plastic.
Studies of drinks getting contaminated by the container they're in have triggered an on slot of suggestions to avoid drinking from bottle water.
It's far more healthy and safe to purify your own water at home.
Once you have your own source of properly filtrated water, you should always use a container that is free from any BPA chemicals.
This is very important as this chemical can be extremely harmful.
Long term exposure can cause you to have a high risk of getting cancer and other diseases.
Growth hormones can be seriously impacted from this chemical.
It's scary to think parents are unknowingly exposing their kids to BPA from drinking water containers.
It can also cause young girls to have problems with the development of their reproductive tract.
It's a simple solution.
Just don't use containers that have plastic with BPA.
Of course, you still need to have properly filtered water.
For the healthiest water, you can get an inexpensive treatment system that's easy to install.
You can then fill up your new BPA free drinking water containers right from your tap.
So there you have it.
You now know that you must never expose yourself to toxins from the wrong type of drinking water containers.
Your next step? Check out a home filtration system or a container that has a built in filtration system.
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