In this page we want to discuss about Langocity reviews, because we have found some undesirable complaints against Langocity. We can ensure that Langocity courses are highly effective to learn a foreign language and our teaching methods are very efficient to capture a second language quickly. Despite of these, people gave us low rate reviews over the internet. In this article we would talk about the issues for which people gave us negative feedbacks.
We have pointed out that most of the customers complaints contain the same statement and revolving around the three issues. Download problem with the instruction files, double billing problem, and unresponsive customer service are the major complaints against us. Here we would discuss all the issues with their origins in brief.
First of all, we want to start from downloading problem, because it is the most common complaint against us. We have read some Langocity feedbacks saying that Langocity is totally a scam site and we always provide corrupted software to the people. In the face of these complaints we want to say that we are not a scam. We are proud ourselves for our premium linguistic services. In the past, there was a little problem with our file system, because we provided our course files in .zip format. People failed to open the instructions from .zip folder and told that we are a scam, our files are corrupted, etc. But, there was not a single problem in our course files. To eliminate such kind of problem we have introduce a new version of software which automatically downloads all of the lessons right to clients desktop automatically. Now, it is quiet easy to get the course files.
Now we want to address the double billing issue. This is another source of low rate Langocity reviews. We have received some claims that some our customers had double billed while buying our courses. In response to this issue, we have upgraded our checking process and have increased money security. Now double billing issue is totally eliminated. Langocity has a Terms of Service to refund all the double billing immediately, so please contact our customer care if you are a sufferer.
Now we would tell against the unresponsive customer service complaints. At first we want to say that we always try to reply each clients inquiries immediately, but our replies always exists in clients spam box, which most of the clients do not check usually. To alert Langocity users we have introduced some text warnings and a video instruction in Langocity customer care homepage. Moreover, we have developed our customer service department and doubled the total number of clients to enhance our customer facility.
We always try to help those people who are seeking proper guidelines to capture a foreign language. We take each customers comment seriously and try to develop our teaching method in a very decent way. If you are confused by reading badly given Langocity reviews from the internet, just checkout our efficient way of teaching once and watch the differences with the others.
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