Yoga in Harvard Square - Located in the heart of Harvard Square, Yoga in Harvard Square's founder Portia Brockway's teaching style is flowing and moderate in intensity.
Kripalu-certified, Portia leads six classes per week, regular group, prenatal and postnatal.
Classes are small, offering individualized attention to beginners and more experienced students alike.
The orientation of classes is introspective, while respecting the need for form and alignment in improving and maintaining the health and vitality of body, mind and spirit.
Through stretching and strengthening exercises joined with breathing and relaxation techniques such as guided visualization, yoga will relax you and build your strength poise and confidence and help to lose your back pain.
You can actually practice deep breathing anywhere - while you're meditating, doing yogic postures, waiting to give a speech, or in your car stuck in traffic.
Most forms of meditation include some type of breath practice, according to Jahnke.
Breathing deeply and slowly helps you calm down and feel more relaxed.
Yoga Nidra is a way to practice deep breathing - you actually slip automatically into it.
The idea is to do it slowly.
If you want, you can then see that you are actually breathing using the abdomen.
So, yoga works not only with the physical body (to relieve back pain) but also with increasingly more subtle energy bodies.
Hence, because yoga really is a vast and steady river of light, it can, and does, support all those who will travel upon its waters, for however far a distance they would travel.
So, even a short journey for some good health is quite acceptable.
This special river, alluring in subtle ways, has a vibrancy that eventually draws back most who have come to its shores.
Yoga first attempts to reach the mind, where health begins, for mental choices strongly affect the health of the body.
Choices of food, types of exercise, which thoughts to think, etc.
As practiced traditionally in India, Yoga includes a set of ethical imperatives and moral precepts, including diet, exercise, and meditative aspects.
In the West, Yoga focuses primarily on postures (gentle stretching exercises), breathing exercises, and meditation.
Yoga is frequently used in Western medicine to enhance health and treat chronic disease as well as stress and back pain.
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