Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Heartburn During Pregnancy And Its Treatment!

"Mighty is the force of motherhood!" said George Eliot.
But motherhood also creates changes in a womens body and some of those changes cause health problems.
Pregnancy and heartburn go hand in hand.
Is your chest burning with pain during pregnancy, the most important period in your life? Don't worry! This article gives you tips about how to beat heartburn during pregnancy.
You are one among many who experience heartburn during the pregnancy period.
Some women may experience heartburn for the first time during pregnancy even though they have never experienced it before.
When you are pregnant, heartburn may come because of increased levels of hormones in your body.
This hormonal imbalance softens the ligaments that keep the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) tightly closed.
As a result of this, you get a burning sensation in the chest, which is called heartburn.
During pregnancy, your placenta produces the hormone 'progesterone' which relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus.
This hormone also relaxes the wave-like contractions of your esophagus and intestines, making digestion process dull.
In the following stages, your growing baby packs up your abdominal cavity and pushes the stomach acids back up into the esophagus.
What Can I Do About Heartburn During Pregnancy? If you are really experiencing constant or chronic heartburn, you should consult a medical professional immediately.
But if it is a rare occasion, follow the tips mentioned below to reduce or minimize your heartburn during pregnancy.
Heartburn Relief Tips During Pregnancy:
  • Eat meals several times in small quantities throughout theday.
    You must thoroughly chew everything you eat
  • Don't eat close to bedtime.
    Spare two to three hours todigest before you lie down
  • Take care about your dressing too.
    Wear lose, comfortableclothing.
    Especially avoid clothing that is tight around your waist andtummy
  • Lean at the knees instead of at the waist
  • Avoid food and beverages that upset your gastrointestinalsystem.
    For instance, fried or fatty foods, chocolate, acidic citrusfruits and juices and soft-drinks too.
These tips will certainly help you recover from heartburn during pregnancy quickly and without effort.
There are also many other natural heartburn cures that you can try during your pregnancy.

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