If you want to pursue healthy nutrition during your pregnancy, it is important to choose the right foods to eat when pregnant.
Good nutrition is closely linked to prevention of a number of pregnancy problems such as placental abruption, preeclampsia, anaemia and pre-mature birth.
Expectant women should eat a combination of pregnancy foods from the different food groups.
However, your pregnancy calls for some unique dietary requirements.
Understanding the proper combination of foods to eat when pregnant is one of the main secrets to a healthy pregnancy.
When you have a baby growing inside you, consuming enough proteins is important.
Proteins are important for the development of major organs.
Proteins help in the formation of red blood cells, which as you know are very important as you are producing extra blood for the proper development of the growing fetus.
Pregnant women who consume at least 80 grams of protein a day are reported to lessen the likelihood of developing pregnancy problems like toxaemia and eclampsia.
As expected, the best way to increase protein consumption is to choose pregnancy foods rich in protein.
These include chicken and beef, dairy products such as cheese, yogurt and milk, along with nuts, beans and eggs.
Taking in enough nutrients from carbohydrates is also crucial during pregnancy.
Nourishing both you and your baby takes up a lot of energy.
It is carbohydrates that allow us to feel energized.
Some of the carbohydrate-rich foods to eat when pregnant include rice, breads, vegetables, fruits, pasta, cereals and potatoes.
These foods are also rich in fiber, making them even more desirable as healthy pregnancy foods.
Foods rich in calcium (dairy foods) such as milk, yogurt and cheese are a must for proper pregnancy nutrition.
To ensure your baby's proper bone development, you need to take in at least 900 to 1200mg of calcium.
Furthermore, iron-rich foods are also important.
Your body needs more iron than usual in order to support the extra blood supply required.
Foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and folic acid are also good pregnancy foods that can do wonders to you and your baby's health.
Pregnant women must also take vitamin and mineral supplements.
Although wise choices on what food to eat when pregnant can be enough for a healthy pregnancy, dietary supplements help make sure that you are indeed getting all the nutrients needed for proper development.
Lastly, it is important for pregnant mothers to make sure they are hydrated enough.
Drink lots of fruit juices, soups, vegetable juices, filtered water and sugar-free soft drinks.
Understanding the correct foods to eat when pregnant can help you manage your pregnancy correctly.
Although morning sickness in the first trimester may make things difficult for you, making sure that you eat right is one less thing to worry about.