Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Newsflash: The Joneses Are Swingers!

If it were true, would that mean that all those people out there who are concerned about what others think, or who are trying to "keep up with the Joneses," would also become swingers? Would that mean since the Joneses are doing it, that everyone would think it's OK to join in and no longer consider it taboo? I mean since it's good enough for the Joneses to get into and all...
So just who are the Joneses anyway? And why are people so concerned with what others think enough to try to keep up with them? The real newsflash is that they will never be able to keep up, and even if they can they'll be miserable because they haven't done what's right for them.
They're trying to make someone else happy or prove they are worthy enough to be accepted by them which is a futile use of time and energy if you ask me, but that is a whole other article.
You know what? There are so many people swinging or at least considering it that I reckon the Joneses are already out on the swinging playground, enjoying the fun and they just haven't let on that they're doing it yet.
Ooh, and what a scandal it would be if that got out! Ha! I wonder what would happen if they were into it? Theoretically everyone would then be doing it and it would no longer have the allure of being something that's a little bit naughty..
Or a lot naughty, depending on your viewpoint.
It would mean that the people in it are perhaps not as different as they would like to think.
Not that I care if people think I'm different or not, of if they think I'm normal or not, I'm just me, but some people are more attracted to swinging because of it's tabooness (no that's not a real word but, meh, I'm the one writing here).
People who are always trying to prove something by having the best cars, the best houses, the best looking partners, the best wardrobe, the best jobs, the most money, the most toys (alright, I get having the most toys, but still)...
Those people who are striving for more, to prove their worth to someone else are missing the point of life! Get out and explore things, do what makes YOU happy (as long as it's not hurting anyone), find out what will make your relationship even more phenomenal and take it to the next level! And yes, there is always a next level if you are prepared to go find it.
The funniest thing is, and I hear this a lot, is where both partners would love to live out some fantasy or try something new sexually but don't say anything for fear of what their partner will think or how they'll react, but they both want to try it! I say if you and your partner want to try a threesome, foursome or moresome then go for it and who cares what other people think; least of all the Joneses in your life, or the other people trying to keep up with them.
If your wife/husband wants to try playing with the same sex, then great! Help them explore! We're here to live life to the fullest and explore the potential of who we are and that doesn't stop at sex; there is no boundary that says "oh no, exploration here is forbidden", it's a part of who we are and it's natural to want to explore it! So here is my tip of the day - decide what YOU want to do for YOU, have a really open and honest conversation with your partner about what you'd like to do and tip toe your way down whatever path that takes you! I personally don't care if you swing or not, I just want you to live and love by YOUR OWN RULES! Enough said...
Carry on!

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