Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Mouth Ulcers and Split Lips in the Corners of Your Mouth - A Difficult Condition

Have you suffered from split corners of the lips or mouth for any length of time? If so you could have a condition known as Angular Cheilitis.
99% of people presenting an infection at the corners of the mouth are most certainly suffering from this condition and let me tell you as a former sufferer my self it is quite a difficult condition to get a handle on.
I myself suffered the pain and discomfort of this infection for over 10 years on and off and it is very aggressive and persistent, especially when it gets a hold.
Angular Cheilitis is a fungal infection that is typically brought on by a temporary reduction in immune system function.
A typical way this can happen is at the onset of winter when we might fail to get sufficient covers in bed and sleep through a night with a lowered core body temperature.
This extended strain on the immune system allows the virus to take hold over night.
The first symptoms are just a twinging sensitivity at the corners of the mouth.
Within a day the crusty lesions begin to lacerate and the familiar redness and inflammation cause pain.
The skin at the corners of the mouth take on a whitish hue surrounded by redness too.
Talking or eat or even smiling can cause the lesions to split painfully and often minimal bleeding occurs.
This is a difficult condition to deal with in the long term and the prescriptions a re often futile because the creams and ointments available just do not address the actual bacteria which exist on the lips.

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